Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Local Politicians Prepare Their New Campaigns
THE FOLLOWING LINKS speak for themselves…
When the Public Record might be used against you: delete it!
Friday, 6 May 2011
Canvey: The CIIP’s Island Fortress
THIS MORNING’S LOCAL ELECTION RESULTS set a defining moment in Canvey Island’s, and perhaps England’s, political history. Its home-grown Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) has successfully demonstrated that it is perfectly possible to gain, and retain, political power based upon a strategy of deceit, misrepresentation, secrecy – and attempting to discredit opponents at every opportunity.
By a significant majority, islanders voted to retain their CIIP representatives, throw good money after bad, and pursue the only aim that the Canvey Island Independence Party stood for in these elections: complete political separation from the mainland.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
CIIP Discussion Board Stands As A Unique Testament To The Quality Of All Its Members
I BEGAN THIS BLOG two years ago, as a simple experiment to see if there was still a market for local news. Over the past several years the traditional local press had been forced to rationalise its reporting staff, and introduce other cost saving measures, as local advertisers withdrew their support in favour of much cheaper electronic advertising in conjunction with an internet presence.
I was interested to see if the staff cuts had compromised the ability of local papers to keep on top of what was happening in their area – or whether they might have inadvertently provided an opening for freelancers, like myself, to capitalise upon.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Will Local Resident, Upset, Be The Next To Be Banned From The CIIP’s Discussion Board?
THERE IS GOOD EVIDENCE to suggest that the real reason Bill Sharp was permanently banned from the Canvey Island Independent Party’s discussion board had nothing whatsoever to do with Neville Watson’s public announcement that his party was being denied its ‘right to reply’ on the Conservative’s Methane, Mud & Memories Blog.
In fact, the idea that Neville - or any other members of his party - have had their posts removed for anything other than posting hopelessly off-topic; trying to create a totally irrelevant thread; or attempting to libel others is strenuously denied by that Blog’s Webmaster, Colin MacLean (whose empty panels in his Blog’s readers’ forum provide testament to his laisez faire moderation).
Monday, 25 April 2011
Neville Watson: ‘I do not hold rank in the Independent Party therefore I was not representing the party's views’
RESIDENTS WILL BE ASTONISHED TO READ Neville Watson’s latest statement on the CIIP’s Discussion Board in which he refers to his acceptance of Bill Sharp’s apology, made upon his party’s behalf, regarding an ill chosen phrase on a Tory election leaflet.
Watson’s statement appears to have been written at the same time as he deleted the comment he made - so that the public can no longer see what he actually said!
The previous speculation, in this Blog’s last article (regarding the CIIP’s use of Watson as a fall-guy for this year’s election campaign) has now been given further weight as residents are now being asked to believe that nothing Neville has said on his party’s sites, or the MMM Blog, has Canvey Island Independent Party approval.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Echo Provides More Space To Promoting Blackwell’s Election Campaign Deceit
THE PAST THREE WEEKS have not been a good time for local Democracy. It was hoped that this Blog could remain detached as the political parties entered into a public debate, on their own Websites, discussing issues and putting forward their own individual proposals to solve them.
It was hoped that existing Town Councillors would make themselves available to answer questions put by the public. And it was hoped that residents would only have to visit the respective party’s Website to find statements and contact details for candidates standing in their own ward.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
CIIP Discussion Board Unreliable Source Of Public Information
IT HAS NOW EMERGED that the Canvey Island Independent Party’s discussion board permits its users to edit their previous posts – and does not provide a system timestamp indicating when those last alterations were made. As a consequence, none of the CIIP’s Board Posts can be considered as reliable or ‘On The Record.’
Earlier today I posted, in this Blog’s STOP PRESS column, reports of how a reply to Bill Sharp’s comments had suddenly changed - from the original version I had seen - when I checked the hyperlink I had posted. Then, later this afternoon, after Bill had replied to the user’s post – it changed again.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Spend, Spend, Spend Say Town Councillors. It Is All About Us, Us, Us
WELL, YOU DID HEAR IT HERE FIRST. The story of how a group of narcissistic individuals conned island residents into believing that they would represent their wishes and establish a Parish Council in which all islanders could be proud.
You heard how that band’s leader, Dave Blackwell, mischievously named his group of bandits as the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) and how, once they were installed in the newly formed Parish Council, immediately applied for it to be known as a ‘Town’ council to improve its local kudos. You learned that his next move was to commission, for himself, expensive chains of office and, at the same time, reprieve the old Canvey Urban District Council Coat of Arms from 1974.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Canvey Island Election Coverage
READERS will have noted that this Blog’s last article was written over a week ago and that there have been no further posts since. Instead, the Canvey Beat is (somewhat irreverently) highlighting this local election’s main issues and fast moving debate using an extended header; its side-column; STOP PRESS and integrated Newsflash feature.
The cyber battle for your vote is not being conducted here; but on the Conservative Methane, Mud & Memories Blog and the Canvey Island Independent Party’s Discussion Board (which Canvey Beat readers suggest is being heavily moderated).
The local Labour Party have yet to enter the debate; but its Twitter feed is being carried in this Blog’s STOP PRESS panel.
Unless anything major breaks, normal posts will resume after the local elections to bring you the full results…
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
When It Comes To Misrepresentation And Downright Lies – Watson Cannot Hold A Candle To Blackwell
TO BE FRANK, this particular journalist is bored with having to highlight all the same old lies and misrepresentations being made by the Canvey Island Independent Party in this local election campaign. It is consuming my time, when I could be doing more interesting things, and, at the end of the day, I am just reporting what all Canvey Beat readers already know: the party, which speaks with a single voice (and does not answer questions), is composed of a motley crew of bandits and liars.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Liz Swann Comes Out And Letchford Is Denied CIIP Colours To Stand On The Mainland
CANVEY BEAT READERS will be interested to learn that the two most vociferous critics of articles posted on this Blog, whom were keen to argue that they had absolutely no political affiliation, have now declared themselves as Canvey Island Independent Party members.
Liz Swann, of the Canvey beachside Concord Pool cafe, who together with Bob Spink and CIIP councillors successfully campaigned for the pool to be transferred to Canvey Island Town Council (thus preserving her sister’s business at islander expense) will be standing for the TC in the island’s South Ward, this year, to keep an eye upon her family’s investment.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
A Continuous Stream Of Lies And Political Propaganda Spew Forth From CIIP Lips
NEVILLE WATSON has proved himself to be the master of the far-left’s first commandment: ‘If you cannot answer without incriminating yourself, then simply change the question!’ With such prowess it is easy to see why no other CIIP councillors have tried to enter the current political debate and, instead, left their electoral fates in the hands of their Public Relations person.
After attempting to alter the public record by appending a late comment to Blog posts that had criticised his party, Neville again waited, for four days - until his latest remarks had descended into visual obscurity - before posting further ‘closing’ comments, which he hoped would receive no attention.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Neville Hops From Site To Site In An Effort To Change The Record
NEVILLE WATSON was on true hyperbolic form this week as he presented his Canvey Island Independent Party’s first personal attack on those threatening its Town Council seats this year. In a consistent assault designed to draw attention away from the fact that the CIIP has no policies and that its financial management of Canvey Island Town Council has made it virtually bankrupt and forced it to redirect promised Armed Service Charity funds into its own bank account, the CIIP decided to launch its campaign in gutter mode – rather than wait until the last few days of the election.
The catalyst for serving-up the CIIP’s venom seems to have been Bill Sharp’s political flyer aimed at Canvey Island Central Ward voters, whom are currently represented by Dave Blackwell and John Anderson at both Borough and Town Council levels. In focussing on the fact that 70 pence in every pound is wasted by CITC on its officers and administration costs (leaving just £75,000 per year of islander contributions to be directed at the never-ending restoration of Central Ward’s Canvey Lake – conservatively estimated to require in excess of £180,000 over the next five years to complete) Bill has scored a direct hit upon the island’s professional political activists.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Battle For The Truth: Time To Make Your Own Minds Up And Put Your Questions Directly
DESPITE ALL APPARANT EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY, the ‘Canvey for Canvey’ sound bite, engineered by the Canvey Island Independent Party as a means of contesting local elections to obscure its lack of policies, still seems to strike a chord with uninformed local residents looking for somewhere to place their cross. Moreover, the CIIP has been extremely successful in establishing the urban myth that it and its Canvey Island Town Council are responsible for protecting the island’s greenbelt from mainland Tory aggressors – even though the party is unable to muster any form of majority challenge to any Castle Point Borough Council vote.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Ninety-Two Per Cent Of Canvey Beat Readers Think The Town Council Should Be Disbanded
THE LATEST STRAW-POLL, conducted by this Blog over the course of Sunday and Monday, reveals that the vast majority of its readers are dissatisfied with Canvey Island Town Council and actively support its dissolution.
The poll was conducted after a number of readers wrote in to express their concerns over Cameron’s Big Society and querying the relevance of another administrative layer, paid for by residents, to distribute funds to local charities when islanders were perfectly able to support such organisations themselves.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Is Canvey Ready For Cameron’s Big Society?
CANVEY RESIDENTS, listening to the likes of the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP), would be forgiven for thinking that the Big Society has nothing to offer. That party’s Public Relations person, Neville Watson, recently stated that: ‘[The Big Society] is based on volunteers… that ring Councillors to inform them of any problems they have.’ But Neville’s unique perspective on the Coalition Government’s Localism Bill (widely predicted to come into force this autumn) completely misrepresents its intentions.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Are You Thinking Of Standing In Canvey Island’s Town Council Elections This Year?..
WITH JUST TWO MONTHS TO GO to Canvey Island’s Town Council elections, now is the time for local candidates to be preparing their individual campaigns. Candidates need to consider what they stand for, and, most importantly, obtain a good idea of their likely support.
If you are thinking of standing in this year’s Town Council elections, the Canvey Beat is keen to hear from you; publish your details; and present your manifesto to the 1,100+ unique visitors that this Blog welcomes every month.
Friday, 25 February 2011
CIIP ‘Absolutely Delighted’ With Tory Cabinet Cuts
TUESDAY EVENING’S FULL COUNCIL MEETING in the Kiln Road Council Chambers was a somewhat surreal affair. Not a single member was absent, and the Canvey Island Independent Party was keen to promote its new image of ‘responsible politicians’ for the Web camera’s public consumption.
Having had its party leader, Dave Blackwell, christened as Pink Sack Man by none other than the Echo – and to have been admonished in that same newspaper for having all its members walk out of the Council meeting called to discuss the Borough’s dire financial situation resulting from £1.9 million of government cuts, the CIIP has apparently decided to abandon its standard strategy of grandstanding and fuelling local protests against the majority’s Cabinet - in favour of appearing even more Tory than the ruling Conservatives themselves.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
CPBC Cabinet Rejects Skanska Waterside Farm Proposals
THE CASTLE POINT BOROUGH COUNCIL’S CABINET has unanimously rejected the Swedish firm Skanska’s proposals to build a new leisure complex at Canvey Island’s Waterside Farm. Instead, the Council’s original £1.5 million budget to renovate the existing facilities will be retrieved from ‘cold storage’ and a Special Policy Development Group (SPDG), to which all councillors will be able to have their say, will be set-up to consider the asset’s detailed survey and decide where the money should best be spent.
The Council had suspended its Waterside maintenance programme in May, last year, while Skanska’s proposals to build and run a new complex on the site, on behalf of CPBC, was evaluated.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Rebecca’s Double Summer Time Moves A Step Closer To Becoming Reality
CASTLE POINT’S MP, Rebecca Harris, will be watching closely as the Coalition Government prepares to publish its Tourism Bill in the House later this week. It is reported that the Bill will contain proposals to meet the Tourism Industry’s demands for lighter summer evenings - by moving Britain’s clocks forward another hour during the summer months.
Mrs Harris has said: ‘The tourism industry has been crying out for extra daylight saving for years. It could extend the tourist season and boost the economy by up to £3.5billion a year.
‘And we would have longer, lighter evenings.’
If the controversial measure goes ahead, summer sunrise will be at its earliest around 5:50am; and sunset will occur latest around 10:18pm, locally.
Friday, 18 February 2011
CPBC Core Strategy: Final Hearing Sessions
FINAL HEARING SESSIONS into Castle Point Borough Council’s Core Strategy will be held in the Kiln Road Council Chamber from Tuesday 8th to Friday 11th March. They will commence at 10:00am each day and last until about 5:00pm if necessary.
The sessions will consider the proposed changes, which the Council has put forward to the Plan, and to complete those sessions which were postponed following the suspension of the Examination in July 2010.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
ECC Library Hours Consultation
ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (ECC) needs to trim the amount it spends on the county’s Library Service as a result of central government funding cuts. The good news is that no libraries will be forced to close; but their opening times will be reduced to provide the necessary savings.
Castle Point residents are being asked to contribute to the County Council’s consultation exercise by choosing from among the two or three options proposed for their local library’s new opening times so that the best decision can be made.
The Big Society Comes To Castle Point
REBECCA HARRIS, our local MP, together with the Big Lottery Fund, is inviting all Castle Point not-for-profit organisations and community groups; schools; and Canvey Island’s Town Council to attend a free funding event on Friday 11th March between 10:00am and 3:00pm.
Representatives from the Big Lottery Fund, the Heritage Lottery Fund, and Essex Community Foundation (an independent Grant-making Trust) will be speaking about the funding available from their individual organisations.
Castle Point Association of Voluntary Services will also outline the support they can give voluntary and community sector organisations.
London 2012 Olympic Tickets
APPLICATIONS TO PURCHASE LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC TICKETS will be processed between 15th March to 26th April. They will not be sold on a first-come, first-served basis; but, instead, can be applied for at any time during the 42 day period.
There is no advantage in applying on either the first or last day.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Automatic Business Fire Alarms To Be Ignored
FROM 28TH FEBRUARY, Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS) will no longer respond to automatic business fire alarms – nor will they respond to anonymous public telephone kiosk calls in which the person dials 999 and then abandons the call by hanging-up.
An analysis of incidents attended by the Service over a 15-month period, from April 2009 to June 2010. has identified that ECFRS responded to almost 25,000 incidents in total, of which AFAs accounted for 28 per cent.
Ninety-seven per cent of these were false alarms.
Monday, 7 February 2011
TC Battlegrounds: Canvey Island North Ward
ON 3RD MAY 2007, residents of Canvey Island’s North Ward elected Doreen Anderson and Nick Harvey, both of the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP), to represent them on the new Canvey Island Parish Council. Both achieved very respectable results.
Doreen Anderson achieved 901 votes, just narrowly ahead of her colleague, Nick Harvey, on 890. Together, their votes accounted for 61.02 per cent of those cast.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Lazy Assets
CANVEY ISLAND INDEPENDENT PARTY (CIIP) plans to fight this May’s local elections riding the wave of public resentment over the Coalition Government’s financial cuts suffered a major setback this week when the party’s contribution towards resident objections to Essex County Fire & Rescue Service’s plans, to remove the island’s full-time fire engine crew, was found to be just more political grand-standing.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
What Was It You Wanted To Say, Dave?..
HAVING DOMINATED the local press for the last four years, bemoaning the state of Canvey Island and leading protests against the Borough’s majority, it is difficult to find any sympathy amongst Canvey Beat readers for Dave Blackwell’s complaints of having been purposely ignored during the public meeting, organised by Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS), to discuss their proposed changes to the way the island’s two fire engines are manned.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
So 350 People, On A Saturday Afternoon, Is The Measure Of Islander Fire Cuts Protest
WHILE THE PROTESTERS have reportedly obtained some 3,000 petition signatures, it is difficult to square those reports with the fact that only 350 or so residents took the trouble to turn-up at the public meeting, organised by Essex County Fire & Rescue Service, to discuss their proposals for replacing full-time fire-fighter cover on Canvey with retained, part-time, crews
Three-hundred-and-fifty protesters represent less than one per cent of island residents – and three-thousand petitioners is an equally unimpressive figure given the petition’s circulation and the issue’s media coverage. Nevertheless, the Echo will apparently be providing a two-page spread to reporting the meeting in its traditional newspaper today.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
‘I’m Sure There’s Plenty More; But That Will Do For Now!..’
OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS, Canvey Island’s political landscape has changed beyond all recognition. Apart from Ray Howard, Canvey Island West’s Conservative councillor, all island wards are now represented by Canvey Island Independent Party councillors – both at Borough and Town Council level.
Islanders have rejected all main political parties in favour of home-grown ‘independents,’ whom have nearly all appeared from the once aspiring Labour Party ranks.
But nothing else has changed.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Essex Fire & Rescue Decisions Are A Matter For Residents And Essex Fire & Rescue Service
WHILE THE CANVEY ISLAND INDEPENDENT PARTY try their best to turn residents’ concerns (about Essex County Fire & Rescue Service, proposing to replace Canvey Island’s full-time fire-fighters with retained staff) into another political protest, islanders are in imminent danger of losing touch with reality.
As already pointed-out on this Blog, the matter concerns an operational decision by Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS) – and it is that organisation that will, in consultation with residents, have the final say. But, rather than throw their weight behind our local MP, Rebecca Harris, in her attempts to raise resident concerns with the Chief Fire Officer, the CIIP (and apparently also the resident’s protest group) have been directing their attention at petitioning Essex County Council.
Canvey Island: What Would You Fix?..
IN THE RUN UP to this Blog’s live political debates in April – and the local elections in May – the Canvey Beat is asking all readers to either write-in or leave a comment on this post regarding any island issue that they think needs addressing by local politicians.
Is there a specific issue in your ward that the politicians have ignored; or is there a wider Canvey Island matter that irks you because it has not been addressed?
Are you happy with your ward’s Town and Borough councillors – or do you feel they have let you down?
Are you clear on whom to call about local matters – or are you confused about the distinction between Town and Borough councillors?
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
ECFRS Public Meeting Midday Saturday
ESSEX COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE (ECFRS) will be holding a public meeting to discuss the proposed restructuring of Canvey Island’s Fire Service arrangements on Saturday, January 29th at 12:00 Midday.
The meeting will be held at Smallgains, Island Boys Pavilion, Creek Road, and has been scheduled ahead of the full Fire Authority meeting of February 9th, where elected members will be asked to approve the recommendations.
According to the Service, the average response times of Canvey’s retained fire-fighters compare favourably with those of full-time crews – with only a two-minute difference.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Neville Asks Why His Party Is Being Criticised For Starting Another Petition
THERE WAS a creaking of levers and clashing of gears in Cyberspace today as the Canvey Island Independent Party decided to crank-up its Blog site for the New Year.
As widely anticipated, there was no explanation of the party’s weeding of critical resident remarks from its sites – and no apology or rectification of the misappropriation of Veteran Charities’ funds. Neville Watson, as usual, chose not to address the issues residents want answers to; but, instead, asked why his party was being criticised for raising the petition that he and his colleagues have been so busily publicising in the local press.
A Good Week For The CIIP
DAVE BLACKWELL and his Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) are reportedly very pleased with themselves this week-end. At this time last week, the party was reeling from the revelations made on this Blog regarding its misappropriation of Veteran Charities’ funds and its weeding of anti-party comment from its Websites; but a week is a long time in local politics.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Residents’ Fire Cuts Protest Ignored By Echo In Favour Of CIIP Petition
IF RESIDENTS WERE WAITING to have their local story of Tuesday’s Fire Protest meeting told by the Echo – or to have the paper follow-up the Canvey Island Independent Party’s manufacturing of resident support and its redirection of £2,580.50 of Veteran Charities’ funds into its Town Council’s Bank Account, they will have been sorely disappointed.
£1,000 Fine For Dog Fouling Owners From 1st Feb
FROM NEXT MONTH it will be an offence for dog owners to allow their animals to foul any public place within Castle Point and fail to clean-up after them.
The Order comes into effect on Tuesday, 1st February, 2011, and exempts blind persons and those relying upon a dog trained by Dogs for the Disabled; Support Dogs; or Canine Partners for Independence.
Claiming to be unaware of the defecation - or not having a suitable means of removing the faeces – will not be an excuse.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Straw Poll Sees CIIP Vote Rising!
THIS BLOG’S STRAW POLL, regarding reader voting intentions in May’s Canvey Island Town Council election, is recording an unaccountable shift in opinion towards endorsing the Canvey Island Independent Party for a further term in power. The change comes after a week in which this Blog revealed that CIIP Websites indicate little support for the party; that many resident comments have been removed; and that the CIIP led Town Council decided to redirect £2,580.50, which it had collected for Veteran Charities, to bolstering its own bank account.
Register Now For Free Hadleigh Business Seminar On Achieving London 2012 Contracts
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 |
All Day |
Bidding for London 2012 contracts How to compete for London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic business contracts... |
CompeteFor+ Salvation Army Training Centre Hadleigh, Essex SS7 2AS UK |
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
CIIP Seeks To Change The Agenda Following Last Week’s Storm
FOLLOWING THE REVELATIONS on this Blog, last week, that the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) is being forced to manufacture its own Cyber-threads to imply resident support (in the same way that its ‘latest recruit,’ Colin Letchford, manufactured petitioners calling for an elected mayor) and that the CIIP led Canvey Island Town Council decided to replenish its own bank account with £2,580.50 of Veteran Charity funds, the CIIP is closely examining current resident unrest, regarding the removal of full-time firemen from Canvey, as a means of restoring their shredded popularity.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Residents’ Meeting To Stop The Canvey Island Fire Service Cuts
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 |
7:30 PM |
Fight to stop the Canvey Island Fire Service cuts Please come to show your support. We are fighting to stop the cuts affecting Canvey Island fire service. The non-political meeting is being held to discuss plans to fight this dangerous proposal.... |
Northwick Park School Third Avenue Canvey Island, Essex UK |
… (Methane, Mud & Memories, 19/01/2011) – Fire Protest! We Can See You Sneaking Out…
Friday, 14 January 2011
The Week Islanders Finally Opened Their Eyes
A CANVEY ISLAND INDEPENDENT PARTY Councillor, in a hot air balloon, realised he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, ‘Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am.’
The woman below replied, ‘You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're in Canvey Island’s Central Ward, near its boundary with the North Ward, and approximately in the middle of Canvey Lake.’
‘You must be an informed voter,’ said the balloonist.
‘I am,’ replied the woman, ‘How did you know?’
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Canvey Island Town Council Steals £2,580.50 From Veteran Charities’ Funds
FUNDS RAISED from selling some three-hundred-and-forty-four £7.50 tickets to Canvey Island Town Council’s Night of Nostalgia event, held at the Paddocks following the island’s Armed Forces Day celebrations last year on 26th June, never reached the Veterans’ Charities to which they were originally destined. Instead, Canvey Island’s Town Council decided to re-direct all the money to its own depleted bank account.
TC Battlegrounds: Canvey Island Central Ward
AS ITS NAME SUGGESTS, Canvey Island’s Central Ward is situated in the middle of Canvey Island. It is also the Canvey Island Independent Party’s safest seat.
It was this ward that elected both Dave Blackwell (CIIP Leader) and John Anderson (currently Town Council Chairman) on 3rd May, 2007.
Blackwell and Anderson also represent the Central ward at Castle Point Borough Council – so they in fact hold four of the five local government posts available in this district between them. Together with that other CPBC post, held by their colleague Peter May, Canvey Island Central only has CIIP members representing its residents in both local councils.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
CITC Sheds The Green And Adopts Tory Blue For Its New Website
CANVEY ISLAND TOWN COUNCIL has launched its new Website – same old same old – but in a slightly different format and adopting Conservative Party colours. At this late stage in the Town Council’s first term it is difficult to understand why islanders are being forced to pay for a cosmetic makeover; but, hey, who knows how the Canvey Island Independent Party’s mind works?
Interested readers are invited to dig-out their sunglasses and hop-on over to the TC’s new site to examine the brand new image that the ‘Independents’ wish to project. Gone is the environmental green that the party previously employed to project conservationist credentials. Now we have a safe, dependable and business-like image being thrust in islanders’ faces – stolen from their Conservative opponents (whom do not use the blue quite so loudly)..
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
CIIP Board Back Up – But It Is Not The Same
READERS will be pleased to know that the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) has re-instated its discussion board; but in the way that only the CIIP can manage.
With no accompanying explanation, its board is back up; but a number of previous posts are missing.
The Way Things Were
CANVEY LAKE looks set to be the main topic for residents this week as the Echo finally decided to write a piece criticising the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) led Canvey Island Town Council over its management of the community’s costly asset.