THERE IS GOOD EVIDENCE to suggest that the real reason Bill Sharp was permanently banned from the Canvey Island Independent Party’s discussion board had nothing whatsoever to do with Neville Watson’s public announcement that his party was being denied its ‘right to reply’ on the Conservative’s Methane, Mud & Memories Blog.
In fact, the idea that Neville - or any other members of his party - have had their posts removed for anything other than posting hopelessly off-topic; trying to create a totally irrelevant thread; or attempting to libel others is strenuously denied by that Blog’s Webmaster, Colin MacLean (whose empty panels in his Blog’s readers’ forum provide testament to his laisez faire moderation).
It is also hard to understand what Neville means by ‘right to reply.’ It is clear that Colin has provided him and his supporters every opportunity to post in the MMM’s readers’ forum; but Neville has never once taken any of those numerous opportunities to ‘reply.’
The evidence shows that the real reason Bill Sharp was permanently banned was to enable Neville to manufacture a successful conclusion to an annoying thread in which he was constantly asking the same question of Bill, who adamantly kept standing his ground that he had replied to the same question twice. But Neville, for many days afterwards, kept pursuing the same closed question in response to any attempt by Bill to obtain any information about the CIIP’s plans or long term policies.
Neville actually removed Bill from the CIIP’s discussion board on Tuesday morning – permanently banning Bill’s work IP address. Later that evening, Bill was able to make a further post, from his home computer; but, once he had, that IP address too was permanently banned.
Shortly afterwards, Colin MacLean’s IP address was permanently banned from accessing the CIIP’s board – thus ensuring he could not raise the subject of Bill Sharp’s inability to make further posts in its public forum.
On the same Tuesday morning that Bill was first denied access, Neville decided to revive a topic from the 21st April, concerning black-bag collections, which had received no other posts. Teasingly, he asks:-
It was not until the following Wednesday afternoon, at a little after 3:00pm, that Neville finally got around to admitting to the fact, reported in this Blog’s STOP PRESS column, that he had banned both Colin and Bill. And it was not until the next morning – Thursday – that Neville, now confident of his opponents’ inability to reply, performed the stroke that he had been waiting for so long to pull. At around 5:00am, Neville posts:-
Attempt 15 will you admit that the £300,000 wasted on he housing transfer was tory[sic] waste after we gave you warning you could not win by us yes or no answer please.
Regards Neville.
And Neville Watson could not resist terminating his post with a ‘LOL’ smiley. He had successfully created a thread, to which he could point to later, making it appear that his opponent would not reply…
It seems that the only true representative from the island’s community, Upset, is to be left alone in hostile territory, vainly seeking answers to the same questions other residents are awaiting responses to. Since Wednesday, April 20th, Upset has been valiantly attempting to get simple answers to his equally simple questions. But the CIIP has treated him in exactly the same way they have treated island residents since the party’s formation.
Upset was courted in the Echo’s readers’ forum, by a ‘MrSmithers,’ to log onto the CIIP’s discussion board where his questions about the party could be answered. And Upset decided to give it a try.
Now, Upset is an outstanding contributor to the Echo’s comment section – and has been making pertinent contributions to newspaper articles long before this Blog was ever established. But his independent thinking and detailed island knowledge has long been a pain in all political party sides. Last year, some of his comments came under seething attack from CIIP aliases working the Echo site; but Upset has remained undaunted.
It was therefore to be expected that the CIIP would investigate him further and attempt to trash anything he has to say. Moreover, because the party regularly adopts aliases – misrepresenting themselves as normal members of the public whom support the CIIP – the party has been equally convinced, for some time, that Upset is actually Bill Sharp in disguise.
Upset’s courtship did not last long. Once the CIIP’s spider had attracted Upset into her web on the CIIP’s board – and his IP address had been compared with those of Bill Sharp’s and Colin MacLean’s – the party had no further use of him. He was politely welcomed to the CIIP’s board (rather like the thanks residents are given when the CIIP win their seats) but then he was immediately dismissed, abused and ignored (just like island voters, after an election, whom do not happen to be CIIP members).
Early Thursday morning, Upset’s continued persistence at trying to start a dialogue drew this rebuff from Neville:-
Hi Bill or is it truth.[sic]
oh[sic] dear here we go again poor Bill wont[sic] give up Bill your banned remember Colchester Switzerland?
Bill your well behind and losing mate give it up.
Regards Neville
And, this time, Watson terminated his remark with two ‘LOL’ smileys. (It seems that Neville is still convinced that Upset is Bill Sharp – despite what his party’s server is telling him).
Upset’s other post was just as quickly dismissed by his new friend MrSmithers. In a similar tone to that regularly adopted by Janice Payne, MrsMithers posted:-
‘Ever heard the term "Politcally[sic] correct"[sic]
‘Besides what has your comment got to do with this thread? stay[sic] on topic at least Upset!!’
Readers wait to see if their one remaining gladiator will succeed where all others have failed. Or will he, too, be banned for daring to ask the CIIP about its policies and long-term plans for the island?
In the circumstances, it is appropriate to provide this article’s last quote to that gallant soldier upon whose shoulders all our last hopes rest.
In replying to his latest rebuff, Upset retorted:-
Since when have you been a moderator of this website Mr Smither? Others seem to post what they like where they like I thought I could as well. Ask Neville to ask his leaders if this is OK.
God’s speed, and good luck, Upset. All our thoughts ride with you…
… (29/04/2011) – Neville continues to dismiss Upset, by labelling him as ‘Bill.’
… (29/04/2011) – ‘MrsMithers’ abuses and belittles Upset
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