NEVILLE WATSON has proved himself to be the master of the far-left’s first commandment: ‘If you cannot answer without incriminating yourself, then simply change the question!’ With such prowess it is easy to see why no other CIIP councillors have tried to enter the current political debate and, instead, left their electoral fates in the hands of their Public Relations person.
After attempting to alter the public record by appending a late comment to Blog posts that had criticised his party, Neville again waited, for four days - until his latest remarks had descended into visual obscurity - before posting further ‘closing’ comments, which he hoped would receive no attention.
Neville knows full well that residents will fall upon the Methane, Mud & Memories; We Love Canvey; this; and his CIIP Blogs in the last few days of the local election campaign as they try to decide whom to vote for. So, between now and then, Neville’s job is to create the illusion that any post painting his party in a bad light is undermined by attaching unopposed comments that reflect an opposite view.
The strategy has proved most successful for the Canvey Island Independent Party, in the past, on the Echo Website where, at around this time each year, regular contributors are joined by a new influx of alias-wielding readers claiming to represent public opinion. Witness the hostile reception given to Colin MacLean’s attempt to set the record straight – and the hasty creation of new aliases (MrSmithers/TedMason) with which to launch a devious personal attack here.
Unfortunately for Neville, his sly machinations were again thwarted by Bill Sharp who seems to have intelligently chosen to subscribe to any further comments to his own contributions on Colin’s WordPress Blog – although the CIIP do not provide that particular contributor facility on either of their own!
Early-morning Neville again chose to post at a time when all other readers were in bed. And this time he chose to respond to a James Parkin post which asked what the Town Council had spent one-million pounds of residents’ money upon. (A legitimate question since the Town Council has consistently seen fit not to publish its annual accounts since 2008). But that is one of the questions that Neville will not respond to, since the answer would reveal that the greatest part of that money (some £615,000) had been spent on officer and administration costs.
Neville dismisses the question by writing:-
My God.
Its James canvey s weakest link where you been hiding James? been very quiet oh by the way its a whippet ask me an other.
Regards Neville.
Then, just 16 minutes later, the CIIP’s PR man posts this in a weak attempt to prevent others attaching comments to his original reply:-
Morning James.
Some article now the facts below is my flow chart.
1 Castle point council spent £1million [the source of Neville’s figure is not mentioned – nor is its time-frame] on consultants not one of here ideas did that take up.
2 The Cabinet at Castle Point Council cost a staggering £250,000 [The Canvey Beat is unable to verify or discover the source of this figure] a year to run.
3 purchased a pub in Hadleigh for £600,000 pounds no one buys a pub they are all closing what a waste they wont make there money back.
4 Ross Common way the road to no-where an amazing £ 12 million [another figure that cannot be verified by this Blog] what for?
5 Essex County Councillors Tory lead £2 million in allowances [again, another figure that cannot be verified and no time period is specified – and it is also unclear why Neville has chosen to use the word ‘lead,’ which suggests that the figure is not related to ECC Councillors directly] do you want to carry on James if you want to be a bloggers tell the truth is the first rule the question is will you have the bottle to print this? i don’t think so but Independent voters have already seen it James.Regards Neville.
In this post, Neville attempts to suggest that James is not telling the truth. But the fact that the Town Council has spent in excess of £1 million during its term of office – and has no funds left to complete its Canvey Lake project (which will, instead, draw upon further resident contributions over the next five years) is a matter of public record.
Neville is much more comfortable trying to turn these elections into a debate about historic Essex County Council and Borough Council spending (using unverifiable figures) – for which his party is equally responsible; since the CIIP represents local constituents at each of those levels.
For every decision taken by both Tory led upper councils, there was a corresponding debate in which the CIIP could not muster a coherent argument against – or come-up with an alternative solution – to any of the proposals. And now voters are being asked, by Neville, to again place his party in a position of power so that their lucrative allowances can be preserved – in return for achieving absolutely nothing!
Shortly after leaving the ‘We Love Canvey’ Blog, Neville turned his attention, once again, to Colin MacLean’s site. He had left it in limbo for four days, and now hoped to leave a concluding comment below his previous posts to give the impression that he had won the previous argument and that Bill Sharp had run-away.
Neville posts this:-
Morning All.
I guess you would have noticed Bill Sharp as gone in a puff of smoke disengaging from the debate we were having, i do hear the Tory whips are active so Bill as gone to there other blog sites, to personally attack me why? i have had many mails from readers saying i had won the debate.
The question is is Bill upsetting there campaign? after all the Torys are fielding candidates who are trying to win, where as Bill wants to shut the Town Council i think this is a split with the Torys as the panic sets in, by attacking the Town Council Bill is attacking the people of Canvey.
Bill is playing risky politics the tory candidates fir the Town Council what must they be thinking.
Regards Neville.
Bill obviously has far better things to do on a Saturday afternoon than reply to Neville’s dreamlike drivel; but he nonetheless takes valuable time out to post this in reply:-
I am happy to debate with anyone as I have said . but bluntly mate I have answered all you have asked ,… you then ignore my answers and continue lying .I dont mean to scare you all but I really have better things to do than keep speaking to you on either this blog or the CIIP blog , particularly when you wont listen to my answers .
Last time then .
You more than anyone know I am not someone who listens to the whips unlike all your motley crew so no I have not been told what to say .
I have no intention of closing the Town (Parish) Council down .I just want it to be cost effective .Will you join me in attempting to make the finances work for the people of Canvey?
You know I don't do anything in an attempt to come second Neville . I always want to win . I really want to win this time as you and your cronies are spending Canvey peoples money like water .
You know I will add value to the Town (Parish ) Council and you are worried on behalf of your mates .
the last thing Neville is if you really think you have won the Debate as you say so eloquently state Then you must have failed to even read my answers yet alone respond to them .
Got to go now Neville am delivering leaflets and meeting my Canvey friends.
The next day, at 3:10 the next morning – and still smarting - Neville again tries to go on the offensive with this:-
Morning Bill.
Now this is a debate all your bloggers and me that’s fine now is your real test please answer my flow chart below if elected will you.
1. Give your support to save the Sea Side pool
2. Give your support to save Watersides pool.
3. Help us to save Canveys green belt and rebuke the Tory Cabinet for stating “its to late for Canvey” yes or no.
4. Rebuke the Tory Cabinet for wasting an incredible £600,000 on a pub whilst at the same time firing staff at Castle Point Council ,that amount would have saved every job.
5. Is Castle Points Cabinet at a cost of £ 250,000 a waste will you support and vote to get rid of it, if i put a motion in to full Council? in fact will you second my motion?
6. Will you state that if elected to the Town Council, the Torys will not draw allowances ever in the future ?Your call Bill now over the next two weeks you will have to answer many more questions on the Town Council of which you wish to stand for.
Six questions you may now ask Bill after your answers please.
This is Neville’s fourth attempt at leaving a concluding post that he might be able to point-to in the future. It is all about manipulating the thread to have the last word and being able to say that he won the argument. (If he continues to post in this fashion, the chances are that Bill will become so frustrated that he will leave the last word with Neville).
But Bill does not have the reputation for being the John Wayne of local politics for nothing. He continues to tell it like it is.
That evening, Bill posts his reply:-
This is not a debate mate . this is a set of lies which you keep regurgitating . without obviously reading my answers ..
Unlike you and your voting fodder colleagues I will look carefully at the at the seaside pool and hopefully if you support me in the saving of administration costs we together may be able to save it .. I again unlike your sheep will not just say I will do something if I cannot work out the finances to achieve it.
Waterside Farm is a different case and I have said quite clearly that local funds cannot support the works needed to bring it up to scratch. so an alternative must be found . you are on the Olicy group looking at this problem . what have you suggested Nev? nothing absolutely nothing
I am opposed to the suggested building on Canvey , this is the third time I have stated this . and it will not be the last if you keep lying about my statements ,.
I will not rebuke anyone about the investment in Hadleigh because I believe it is a good investment Your comments about staff funding is fatuous and you know it.
The answer to the Cabinet is being discussed at PDG you know it you are part of it . don't keep going on blogs and lying go to the meetings and contribute .. I have supported your views in the past as you have supported me. this is the procedure mate follow it … oh and perhaps it would be good if you could get some of your colleagues to open their mouths as well.
I have already stated I will not take any allowances from the Town Council ..I also remind you I take the least of all the councillors on the Borough Council ….
The only question I ask you Neville is please read the comments I make and either refute them or agree with them ..
Best Wishes
Bill Sharp
It remains to be seen if Neville will add another comment to the Methane, Mud & Memories thread; but, while that cyber-conversation was taking place, Neville was also busy trying to regain control of the conversation he had started on the CIIP’s board. Here, again, Bill Sharp had been left with the last word, so, secure in the knowledge that Bill was unable to subscribe to a feed on either of the CIIP sites to alert him to an additional comment, Neville posted this (four days after Bill’s last comment).
Morning Bill.
I see the Tory bloggers are as usual attacking me personally [undoubtedly a reference to the Canvey Beat’s last post – but this is most definitely NOT a Tory Blog] sadly Bill this is just typical of a last desperate act to cover what is failed Conservative policy's and secret meetings now your residents of Hadleigh are beginning to wonder why there own Councillors are being subject to secret meetings and there own Councillors are left out in the cold with no representation, they are questioning what the hell your doing on Canvey standing for the Town Council the simple truth is Bill they want you in Hadleigh where i understand they are not happy with what is going on.
Lets face it Bill play away is not a good idea leaving no defence at home.
It did not go as Neville had planned. John Wayne had been patrolling his perimeter. That afternoon, Bill Sharp posted this reply:-
Pot and kettle mate. You continue to state what I am supposed to have said rather than what I do say.
You know the residents of Hadleigh are listened to and responded to any time they contact me. Yes things are perhaps not as I would wish at present with regard the Hadleigh plan. but I will continue fighting for what the residents want around here . and I assure you will do the same when and if I am elected to the Town (Parish)Council for Central Ward.
You must not keep telling fibs Neville
Having just watched my team lose 4-2 at home after being two nil up I can understand why you are so frustrated that I am standing to represent our Island . You and the CIIP have been promising the world to Canvey residents and giving them nothing . they are starting to spot the fact that you talk a good story but don't deliver ..
Bill Sharp does deliver as you well know .. are you scared of what I will find if elected Neville? [this is not the throw-away remark it might first appear…]
Got to go Neville have some more delivering to do in Canvey and Hadleigh .best wishes mate
Stick to the truth Neville and I will respond to and blog you decide to go on . Tell lies and I will let the people decide.
Bill Sharp
Bill’s timely response must have come as a shock to Neville, who immediately began arguing using more spurious figures in an attempt to regain the thread.
Morning Bill.
I see that you have now returned to debate so that's good but i keep telling you don't do personal it just goes against you come on Bill this plan is a joke an idiot can read it and so Canvey People they are smart and very politicly aware, your bloggers are losing it Bill the public have them well sussed out, they know what's going on easy to read.
You keep saying i am not answering question i sent you many questions on finance not one answer i have identified £11 million of waste not one answer at Castle Point Council trust me Bill pay attention to home to play away is a mistake but you have made your choices and your residents are asking you why do you think the residents of Hadleigh care about Canvey Town Council Bill? they want to know about the place they live Hadleigh and a massive super store that's going to destroy a nice place.
Think about it get it wrong my friend and your residents will show you the door.
But the John Wayne of local politics is quick to draw his six-gun in response to Neville’s lies:-
I have looked back at all your questions and cannot see one that I have not answered . . I am pretty concerned that because the answers I give don't suit you .you ignore them and ask them again .. that is not a debate Neville
Why did you not put forward these fictitious £11 m of savings at the budget meeting?
You seem to be continually scared that I am not doing my bit for my residents in Hadleigh not true mate .
You also seem to be concerned about me attempting to get justification for the expenditure on Canvey Town(Parish) Council 70% of the total collected administering the balance .
Neville i had to help you as a party in writing your objections to the Core Strategy yet you still lie and tell people I am for building on CANVEY .
I have no involvement in making personal comments other than to sadly have to call you a liar when you falsely represent what I have said.
This is not a political debate Neville . You as a party have promised and promised Canvey people the earth and given them nothing over the last 6-7 years other than some attractive planters, yet still they pay £25 more than mainlanders. !
Bill Sharp
These last few days have not been good for Neville. In all three threads that he has attempted to manipulate for his party’s electoral ambitions: he has left the last comment with others. And the interesting thing, this year, is that even the party activists have not piled into the conversations, offering him support.
Residents are just politely listening to what the politicians have to say – and the Conservatives are apparently content to let the CIIP make the running.
As the debate unfolds, residents wait for the Canvey Island Independent Party to answer serious questions about its management of Canvey Island Town Council:-
- Why is it squandering over 70% of the Town Council’s precept on Officer and administration costs?
- Why did it take over the management of Canvey Lake without being in a financial position to fund its costs?
- Where is it going to find the money to take-over responsibility for Canvey’s Concord Pool?
- Why has it not published its financial accounts since 2008?
- How has it convinced its insurers to fund its legal costs over Julie Abel’s constructive dismissal claim when it failed to renew its protection insurance in the January, when Julie Abel was employed, and only took-out another policy the day after Julie Abel’s resignation was announced in the Press?
- Why did it choose to redirect £2,580.50, which it stated had been collected for Armed Forces Charity funds, to its own bank account without informing residents? (And, more to the point, which members made that decision?).
It was on this Blog, last year, that residents were informed of the CIIP’s clandestine ambition to see Canvey Island separate from Castle Point and to re-establish the old Canvey Island District Council. Residents were told how their previous MP, Bob Spink, and the CIIP leader Dave Blackwell, had conspired to establish the Canvey Island Town Council as a first step towards cementing that position.
Neville Watson was pursued to confirm the CIIP’s intentions on this Blog; but, as usual, he failed to answer. The only confirmation that this Blog could provide, at that time, was odd comments made by Spink and CIIP members; but now the party has finally confirmed its intentions.
In a desperate effort to draw the public’s attention from their own financial mismanagement and mischievously paint Bill Sharp’s campaign as a direct attack on Canvey residents to destroy their Town Council, the CIIP has circulated a campaign leaflet to Central Ward residents this week-end.
Readers will note that it mainly consists of a tissue of lies regarding the way Castle Point Borough Council decisions are taken; Tory supposed involvement in Canvey’s Fire Station decisions; figures that are unverifiable; spurious claims about island housing and its Greenbelt.
But, in the CIIP’s desperate attempt for votes, the party has finally come-out and declared its intention to separate from the mainland – also explaining why the party has never engaged in local Borough politics. It has always been the CIIP’s policy to ensure that all Tory decisions, especially the unpopular ones, are passed by Council – thereby creating sufficient unrest amongst residents that they might eventually agree to formally separate from the mainland and duplicate those lucrative officer and councillor posts for the benefit of its greedy members.
And, in its attempt to finally float the issue, the CIIP has also chosen to misrepresent the facts.
The flyer’s last paragraph is intentionally designed to create the impression that the Government’s Localism Bill will help islanders to separate from the mainland and have those Borough Council assets – and government funds – placed in the hands of the Town Council.
It most definitely does not (as readers will have read here).
CIIP Central Ward LeafletWhile the country and Castle Point Borough Council try to come to terms with reducing Labour’s legacy of debt, the far-left from the local Labour Party’s rump that is now the local Canvey Island Independent Party is fighting the local Borough and Town Council elections on a platform of duplicating the area’s expensive political bureaucracy to form a local CIIP kingdom in which their members can be installed in lucrative political posts that they are unable to win for themselves through normal democratic means.
And their record of running Canvey Island Town Council is supposed to suggest that they are both managerially and financially competent to undertake such a venture?
Canvey Beat readers will be gobsmacked.
The devious CIIP candidates in this year’s local elections may soon find themselves wishing that Neville Watson had taken a leaf from his leader’s book – and kept his ‘independent’ mouth shut…
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