NEVILLE WATSON was on true hyperbolic form this week as he presented his Canvey Island Independent Party’s first personal attack on those threatening its Town Council seats this year. In a consistent assault designed to draw attention away from the fact that the CIIP has no policies and that its financial management of Canvey Island Town Council has made it virtually bankrupt and forced it to redirect promised Armed Service Charity funds into its own bank account, the CIIP decided to launch its campaign in gutter mode – rather than wait until the last few days of the election.
The catalyst for serving-up the CIIP’s venom seems to have been Bill Sharp’s political flyer aimed at Canvey Island Central Ward voters, whom are currently represented by Dave Blackwell and John Anderson at both Borough and Town Council levels. In focussing on the fact that 70 pence in every pound is wasted by CITC on its officers and administration costs (leaving just £75,000 per year of islander contributions to be directed at the never-ending restoration of Central Ward’s Canvey Lake – conservatively estimated to require in excess of £180,000 over the next five years to complete) Bill has scored a direct hit upon the island’s professional political activists.
Composed almost entirely of the discarded rump of incompetent politicians whom once represented the local Labour Party – and whose political infighting and financial mismanagement lately brought Castle Point Borough Council to its knees, the CIIP has consistently stated that it is not a party and that it is merely a collection of independent thinking individuals with Canvey’s interests at heart. But that statement has always been belied by the fact that CIIP members always vote together in Council Chambers and have chosen a PR person, Neville Watson, to speak on the party’s behalf.
Unlike the Conservatives, whose backbenchers have often been in conflict with their party’s leadership – and whom could often have achieved a different voting outcome had the CIIP not had a consistent policy of never backing a Conservative party member – CIIP strategy has always been to stand only on Canvey Island in order to divide the Borough into two political camps and consistently misrepresent their opponents.
The strategy, which ensures that the CIIP can never hope to obtain a Borough majority (because it is not represented on the mainland where those needed extra seats reside) was conceived to ensure that the party would always be in opposition and able to benefit from local discontent at the Tories always having their way. The CIIP purposely engineered a position in which they could always claim they had been outvoted and lay any blame for resident unease at the Conservatives’ door.
The fact is that Canvey Island is not represented in the Borough Council chamber. The Canvey Island Independent Party has ensured that is the case. Its strategy has been devised to ensure that islanders have no way of dislodging the Conservatives from Castle Point Borough Council; but its constant whining and misrepresentation in the local press about any Tory decision is also part of its strategy to retain local power and those lucrative councillor expenses – which the party is all about.
The 6th April will mark this Blog’s second anniversary of providing local political analysis based upon incontrovertible fact. Threats of libel action from Bob Spink and his CIIP fledglings (which, had they come to anything, would have been welcomed) have never been pursued.
Spink was unmasked using his fascist colleague’s identity to post comments on this Blog supporting himself; Blackwell was unmasked adopting an alias to launch a personal attack upon Bill Sharp; and Neville Watson’s attempts to misrepresent known facts and ignore pertinent questions resulted in Canvey Beat readers requesting that he should be banned from the reader’s forum – especially since he had been unmasked on the Echo website adopting an alias in their arena.
Political skulduggery is the trademark of the CIIP, which is particularly well illustrated by Neville’s latest tirade.
It all began on March 18th, with an article on the Methane, Mud & Memories Blog, bringing its readers’ attention to the fact that Bill Sharp was standing for Town Council election in the island’s Central Ward. Two days earlier, this Blog had published the results of its straw-poll indicating that 92 per cent of its readers supported the Town Council’s dissolution.
It was an innocent article, simply reporting that Bill was standing, and providing residents with his brief bio – and for seven days the article attracted no comments as Colin MacLean published further posts, pushing it further down the homepage where it attracted little attention.
Neville waited patiently until the offending article had disappeared from view (a common ‘final word’ tactic used by the far left to ensure that regular readers will be unaware of a fresh comment and thus leave it standing alone - or in the last position of the reader’s section - to give the impression to any further readers that everyone else agrees).
Sly Neville left this on Colin’s post:-
Morning Colin.
Is this the same Bill that openly admitted as the Chairman of planning to building on Canveys green belt? is it the same Bill that recently said in the chamber to dissolve the Town Council? it was a waste of money?
I must say a little confusing to say the least he stated he loves Canvey then why does he want to dissolve the very Town Council that Canvey people want to keep? simple Castle Point Council know that the new laws the Tory Community minister Eric Pickles wants to give Town Councils more power and he knows it.
I do have a lot of time for Bill but if he loves Canvey he will have to get his politics sorted out by joining the Independent Party and stating Canvey for Canvey can you do that Bill?.
Plus will he publicly say no development on Canvey you have to say it Bill but you wont.
Had Neville had his way, Bill would not have seen his post and Watson’s comment would have remained unanswered – allowing the CIIP to later claim that Bill was in favour of Canvey Greenbelt development (because he had ‘chosen’ not to reply).
Neville waited for 24 hours and, having had no response, opened a second front on the CIIP’s discussion board to trap his seasoned enemy.
Hiding his new post away in the party’s 'general discussion section, where he obviously hoped it would go unnoticed (but where he could refer to it later) Neville wrote:-
Hi Folks.
Ever wondered where your money goes lets scrutinise it for a moment.
1. Tories Regeneration of Canvey sea front spent £1 million pounds on what? a band stand that only one person can stand on.
2. £ 13 Million pounds wasted on Ross common Way the road to no- where yes £13 Million pounds.
3. £900,000 on consultants for what they never took one project forward not one.
4. An incredible £ 5oo,ooo on the entrance to Charfleets industrial estate what a joke go and have a look two walls and a camera £ 500,000 you wont believe it.
5. In these difficult times they bought a pub in Hadleigh costing an incredible £ 600,000 pounds, why you all are expected to suffer cost cutting.
Waste Waste Waste [a direct quote from Bill Sharp’s leaflet setting the tone of his campaign] and Councillor Bill Sharp states the Town Council is a waste of money and should be abolished he would wouldn't he, £16 Million pounds wasted and he talks about 1 million pound in the Town Council, do we want him God help us Edward Scissor hands Bill Sharp on the Town Council doing his Tory thing
Cut Cut Cut why the torys in Benfleet spend spend spend.
Canvey Islanders they want your money, they want control the want to rule you, they want it all, use your vote send them back to Benfleet with red faces
Such are the gutter tactics employed by the CIIP; but things did not go as Neville had intended. Unfortunately for the PR maestro, Bill became aware of Neville’s remarks on Colin’s Blog, and, the very next day (just hours after Neville’s latest accusations), posted this reply:-
Unlike the CIIP I will answer questions posed even though, my mate Neville knows the answers.
I have said that I don’t live in Central Ward but neither does Dave or John. I have publicly stated that no building should take place on the Green belt of Canvey and that is clear fact.
If he recalls I took a six month suspension because I refused to be silenced unlike him and his colleagues. I was even asked as he also knows to assist with the CIIP response to the Core strategy.
I have also clearly stated that their are too many tiers of local Government County, Borough and Town (parish) I don’t apologise for saying that!!
The press, having been given a copy of my in touch decided they would take the route that I was wanting to close down the Town (Parish Council) my answer again was quite clear, it said if the majority of people want me to work towards closure I would do so.
My wish is to be elected to serve the people of Canvey in general and Central Ward in Particular.
As for joining the NON POLITICAL CIIP . No thanks I have my principles and am happy to state I am a Tory, but as Neville and his colleagues know I am also a free thinking Tory and will make my own decision on matters and not be sheep like as the CIIP are.
Neville made no reply; but in the intervening period Colin had decided to post another article quoting Watson’s request for Bill to join the CIIP. Neville could not let it ride. At 3:09 am (a favourite posting time for Neville when everyone else is in bed and unlikely to respond to his comments) on 26 March, Watson’s spleen burst into malicious dreamlike activity:-
Oh Dear.
More Tory dream list Bill listen to what Islanders are saying Ray Howard as blown it i am afraid Listen to what the public are assuming well you cannot blame them can you? after all he as killed your campaign it is dead i am afraid, i only found one resident that would vote for you.
They view you as an outsider a mainlander who ran before your certain defeat you were given the safe seat on the mainland, as your supporters on Canvey were slaughtered one by one the ones you left behind.
You put your trust in a a blogger who is a lamb to the slaughter not a clue, now lets debate Bill me and you why did you state as planning Chairman your desire to build on the green belt? that’s your first question, why did you state in the chamber that you thought the Town Council was a waste of money you know you did. your turn Bill over 300 Canvey People are viewing this [proof that Watson is in dreamland – at 3:09 in the morning]. don’t let the weakest link run your Campaign you should know better.
Answer Please regards Neville.
Neville had made the mistake of posting his latest comment on the front page – and, by mid-morning, Bill had posted this reply:-
I am disappointed that you continue to say what you want to have heard me say rather than what I actually said.
I thought you were different from your colleagues on the CIIP . I stated there were too many tiers of local government . Do you agree or disagree?
I stated that after 65 Years the Green belt has a different role to play in society and I called for a re-assessment of the Green Belt Boundaries. I have never said we should build on the Persimmon site on Canvey that is a lie!!
I dont know how long you have lived on Canvey, Neville I have lived on the Island for 35 of my 63 years and it is beneath you to say I cut and run . You know full well that personal circumstances forced me from the Island [a reference to Spink’s affair with Bill’s wife].
Indeed I am sure you have been a visitor at the house I built on the Island.
I am happy to debate with anyone and clearly explain my idea , what I will not do Neville is allow you to falsify any statement I make to suit the perverted politics of your party.
Explain how the Town Council spending 70% of its income on managing the other 30% shows a well run and efficient administration?
Neville you are a nice bloke and I like you but please dont tell lies or adjust my comments .
Happy to debate on any matter mate
Readers will note that it is now easy to see that Bill Sharp has answered each of Neville’s wild accusations and questions – and that the debate has moved on to having Neville answer those questions put by Bill.
At 3:34am, Neville decides to reply with his longest post yet – a carefully worded smoke bomb that completely obscures Bill’s attempt to have Watson explain the Town Council’s financial incompetence:-
Morning Bill.
At last we have arrived at stage where we can debate the issues you know as well as i do so that’s good, but i think you know me better than to say i am worried i never worry about anything i am afraid.
In the last year i have been accused of being a black shirt, that i supported Labour, a conservative, but i put this down to two in-experienced bloggers but keen ones never the less, lets take each point one at a time.
1. You did say that there were to many tiers of Government. but there are to many MPs and County Councillors, but i do believe in Town and Parish Councils that deliver the things residents want rather than what is forced upon them by upper chambers that do not understand the need and wants of our own people, or local issues ie Bail Hostels forced on us by County Councils of faceless Councillors to tragic anti social issues.
2. I have never been to the house you built other than to deliver leaflets, and you know i object to making statements on peoples personal lives, and i never will i have told you this personally its the pit of politics.
3. You know that Canvey as had a bad deal with the issue of building on our green belt with two members of the Cabinet saying i quote “its to late for Canvey” true or false Bill? if you want me to name them i will. Thats after our planning team at the CIIP Party voted to save the Mainlands Green belt on the Chase and Daws Heath was that right Bill? true or false?.
4. You asked how long i have lived on Canvey 26 years Bill after leaving the Armed Forces i brought Grace here she fell in love as i did with the Island, and i think you know we defend Canvey with passion, and of course you have lived here longer i accept that.
5. As you will admit i am sure that over the last ten years Councils have been over loaded and not very well run the Town Council was a fledgeling Council that needed officer support to start it off and get it on its feet, just like Castle Point Council that as been overloaded and as started to shed jobs only to find it can still function, but Bill you said in the chamber about officer cost true? and you know that more job losses will happen true or false ?
But we have good officers in the Town Council that save us money just by knowing how things work the Town Council needs them if you are elected you will have to work with them correct?
But sadly they are attacked by Tory bloggers but they are very popular with Canvey people and have done some great events even raising money for good causes [like the Armed Forces Charities] and are still attacked by Tory bloggers why? they even attacked a citizens of the year Awards that was the pits, residents supporting and running disabled and other vulnerable groups was that right Bill? it was morally bankrupt thinking, true or false?
So Bill we can have a debate a sensible one that i will participate in with no problem so lets just hear the facts and i can assure you i will the people will enjoy it so i do believe its your service as they say in tennis.
Later that morning, Bill replied to the fog-screen as best he could:-
Morning Neville
A lot of jumbled thoughts mate .
1.I will attempt to answer or respond to the points you randomly make
. My thoughts are that there are two many tiers of government that means too many MP’s, too many County Cllrs ,too many Borough Councillors, and too many Town (PARISH) Cllrs. just think of the administrators each of those levels have repeating the jobs done by another level.2.the point I was making was that you know full well the reason I was forced off the Island ! it is pleasing to note you have rethought your comments on the point you made about cutting and running ,although you did not quite apologise.
3.This one is a bit jumbled.. I do not know who you are accusing and frankly as this is a debate between us, I do not care! I can only say that you and others in your party will never have been able to find Bill Sharp doing anything other than supporting the retention of Canvey Green Belt.
By the way Neville the Chase was not Green Belt it was white belt which means it can be used for housing if a need is proven . re Daws Heath as you know I was suspended for arguing against the planners on behalf of Daws Heath and Canvey Green belt retention.
4 Lets accept we both love Canvey on this one shall we?
5. I do not accept that all Councils have been badly run . Castle Point has been managed well although you and I agree I think that there is too much officer control rather than member involvement?
I said in chamber that there are too many senior officers dictating to too few people on the front line .
I still think that a budget as small as Castle Point and indeed one as small as Canvey Parish Council do not need the number of senior officers we have. Officers are there to advise on legal matters . it would be easy to share that level of officer support throughout Essex.
Rochford and Castle Point could share senior Officers and save a minimum three million pounds a year !
Canvey and other local parish Councils could share their clerk and spend more money on the wishes of the people rather than administration
This Neville is the crux of my argument too much of collected money is not spent on the public’s wishes.
If elected to the Town Council I assure you my first job will be to attempt to cut the administration costs. will you work with me on that ?
Your final comments have nothing to do with me or my campaign to be elected by the people of Central Ward.
Neville disappeared.
Later than morning, Bill became aware of Neville’s post on the CIIP’s discussion board and posted this reply:-
Neville Neville Neville.!!!
You really must not keep telling people ,even those you think support your party, what I am supposed to have said rather than what I actually say and believe in .
I voted against the construction of Roscommon Way back in 1991 not once but on three separate occasions .. I also think if you look you will find the County funded this....
I have always said that consultants are a waste and will continue to do so .. you and I have agreed on this in the chamber many times ..
You know I also spoke against the expenditure on Charfleets Industrial Estate...
The Pub you talk about is the largest part of the Hadleigh plan and whilst I am opposed to the lack of involvement by members in this important project I am comfortable that this purchase has protected the potential of this land and will eventually be sold for a substantial profit to a developer who will have to follow the plan agreed by members of the Council .
Edward Scissor hands ??? Neville I hope that if the residents of Central ward select me to represent them I can count on your support in reducing the level of expenditure the Town Council uses on pure administration ....
70% administering the other 30% waste waste waste ....
I want the best for the residents of Central Ward on Canvey , whilst it appears you just want to retain control of the CIIP fiefdom .
Let the people of Canvey decide what they want Neville and stop using sound bites like Canvey for Canvey backed up by false statements .
The next afternoon, Neville posts this below Bill Sharp’s latest:-
Morning Bill.
Welcome to the site sorry we will never let "Canvey for Canvey" go after all Bill its what Canvey residents see as there flag ship what's the matter Bill is the "i love Canvey" slogan that as never took off, you see Bill if you love Canvey the Torys would not have proposed to over-develop Canvey with over 1,000 homes would they? but they did Bill with no infrastructure to support it.
They would not have attempted to get rid of the seaside pool right? but they did, they would not have gone into a meeting with clueless councillors trying to sell us a dry site trying to get rid of the Waterside swimming pool but they did, do you really love Canvey do the Torys really love Canvey? i don't think so but you still allow your leader to try right Bill? Bill i told you this election for the Torys is all but dead when Ray Howard proposed more development on Canvey that's all the People are talking about.
Was it a blunder by Ray Howard or a Tory policy? an idiot must off thought of it i do believe for the first time that Ray will lose his seat, its not looking good for him i can tell you, the people are quite rightly questioning his fame to Mr Canvey its a shame really but you can ride your luck and he as i am afraid the rumors are rife on Canvey a steam roller running down hill.
I have noticed you have not made a reply to your own site [Bill most certainly had – the previous morning – he was still waiting for Neville’s reply to the thread] i think you should "Canvey for Canvey Think Independent Be In dependent Vote Independent" keep the Mainland Torys off Canvey they want to rule you, they want your money as they have wasted theres with red faces
Just five hours later, an exasperated Bill Sharp posts this:-
I notice you have not responded to any of my replies. You continue to state what you want people to believe not what is true!!
I am not against the slogan Canvey for Canvey wish I had thought of it first . I stated that i didnt want you to keep using it whilst telling fibs to back it up .
You manage your campaign mate and I will continue to tell people the truth.
The next morning, Neville decides to reply with this:-
Morning Bill.
I do believe on your site i gave you a very comprehensive answer to the questions you asked Bill [naturally, Neville does not provide a link because no such post was ever made] the matters i refer to are not personal but the Conservatives policy's with regard to Canvey Island especially with regard to development, where Canvey as had a very bad deal with secret meetings to which we were given no part to play.
You and your fellow Councillors in Hadleigh are now suffering the same fate i am afraid your views and opinions totally ignored by your own Cabinet that think they are above everyone Bill, but are they the most talented Councillors Bill? of course there not we Know that, that's why they don't want people like me and you and the rest of the" Policy And Development Group of the Council" to come together which is what we are there for.
You know well this Cabinet are officer lead and just sign documents they have no understanding of, that are now becoming Questionable even to your own supporters Bill i will say one thing about you, you are an open critic in the past to your own Cabinet i know that, but what was Ray Howard s statement on thorney bay all about ? nothing but a smoke screen that as back fired, Canvey residents are not fools Bill and are the most politicly aware residents i know.
The question is as Ray lost the plot? was he out of line with conservative policy? what is the truth Bill did Ray Howard consider the flow chart below.
1. societal risk
2. Thorney Bay is in the first line blast area of the hazardous installations.
3. As Ray read and does he understand all the documents related to the Local Development Framework clearly not.
4. Did Ray put forward objections to the Government Inspector at the public meeting to represent his residents no is the answer.
5 Did the Conservative group put forward an objection? as all the points above affect South Benfleet no but the Independent party did on there behalf.
6. Okios did object to any development at Thorney Bay its in there objections document they submitted, "no homes should be built in that area"
Now Ray Howard is saying there wont be any development for the next ten years just what nonsense is he talking about Bill? he should know better but i will say one thing Bill i do believe you do understand Local Development framework, but the rest of your group this document was to technical to comprehend or understand otherwise Ray Howard would not have gone to print he should have asked you before he did.
Sound biting is ok in politics Bill but it can also do damage i think that's what Ray as done.
And, then, devious Neville tried to alter the record, forgetting that all his posts contain time stamps allowing an accurate timeline to be formed of his comments, as presented here.
In a calculated effort to discredit Bill Sharp, Neville immediately hops back over to the Methane, Mud & Memories Blog – to comment on that previous post which has now, conveniently, disappeared down the page.
Bill might have been hoping that Neville would finally address the issues he had raised. But Neville, instead, posts this:-
Morning Bill.
Well we seem to be entering a decent debate so i will go over some of your points about cost cutting that will have to be done in all councils that’s a fact, but not before we state a few facts please see below.
Canvey Town Council was the only Council in the country to reduce there Council tax that’s a fact agree? [Apparently a clerical error that led to a reduction of some 42 pence per person].
Canvey Town Councils Councillors have never drawn allowances [although they made provision for doing so in their budget until this Blog revealed their plans] since it was formed and have no plans to in the future, if you are elected will the conservatives state now they will not draw allowances? agree ?
Shared jobs if the Town Council share a clerk with other councils would Castle points Cabinet also share there roles with another Council and there officer support
Saving £125,000 a lot of money Bill agree?
This could be one for the Policy and Development Group at Castle Point Council shall we send a joint mail to Councillor Cliff Brunt the Chairman, who we both agree is a good chairman, i can feel a motion coming on Bill do you agree ? you see Bill if we are going to do a scrutiny all must be in the frame.
Pure snake oil from the CIIP that, in all its years, has never answered a direct question; continuously misrepresented the facts; and denied island voters the opportunity of dislodging the Conservatives from Castle Point Borough Council so that their ‘fiefdom’ – and their allowances - can always remain intact.
Vote for these bandits at your peril…
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