Thursday, 21 April 2011

Echo Provides More Space To Promoting Blackwell’s Election Campaign Deceit

Not what it really saysTHE PAST THREE WEEKS have not been a good time for local Democracy. It was hoped that this Blog could remain detached as the political parties entered into a public debate, on their own Websites, discussing issues and putting forward their own individual proposals to solve them.

It was hoped that existing Town Councillors would make themselves available to answer questions put by the public. And it was hoped that residents would only have to visit the respective party’s Website to find statements and contact details for candidates standing in their own ward.

In these days of computer technology, just what is so difficult about providing each candidate with their own page on a party Blog – or having each candidate set-up their own BlogSpot or WordPress site - and publish those links for residents?

Could it be that those whom have yet to join the disjointed tit-for-tat slanging match that both political sites have descended into are simply turned-off by the political acrimony – or is it that they really have nothing to contribute?

At the outset of this campaign, the Conservatives recognised that the main issue facing island residents concerned the running of its Parish Council. Over the last year this Blog has provided full details of the Canvey Island Independence Party’s nepotism; financial incompetence; lies; and its hunger for power at the expense of island residents. Week after week it has drawn attention to Blackwell’s porkies and the way he has manipulated the local media. And week after week, at every opportunity, it has been slandered and attacked by those remunerated by island residents to serve them – and upon who's behalf this Blog speaks (for free).

For the Conservatives, this should have been an easy campaign. They only needed to use this Blog’s evidence to undermine any following the CIIP may have left – and stand upon their own financial competence at running Castle Point Borough Council as proof of their candidates’ abilities to sort the Parish Council’s finances out.

Not so surprisingly, as it turns out, it was left to Bill Sharp to begin the Conservative’s campaign, questioning why 70 per cent of residents’ money was being spent by its Parish Council on ‘overheads.’ But the Canvey Island Independence Party’s response was not to answer the question – or stand upon their despicable record. Instead they completely back-footed the Tories by announcing they would turn the local elections into a referendum on Canvey Island’s complete political separation from Castle Point.

Then, the CIIP made another startling move. Neville Watson, the party’s PR Spokesman, announced on the Methane, Mud & Memories Blog that all CIIP candidates would be speaking through him. The Canvey Island Independent Party would not allow its candidates to comment, publicly, throughout the election campaign. Even the party leader, Dave Blackwell, would be hiding behind Neville’s skirts.

The Conservatives, and all island residents, were understandably gobsmacked. In a single sentence the CIIP had denied everyone the opportunity of questioning their candidates. (And the opportunity for this Blog to finally obtain some on-the-record statements concerning its articles).

Bill Sharp decided to give the imposed conditions a try. He began by asking Neville a number of questions regarding the Town Council – and Neville responded with a series of off-topic questions of his own.

Bill answered each, in detail – and Neville responded with the same questions again – interspersed with various personal attacks and long statements, misrepresenting the facts, and promoting CIIP propaganda.

From then on, all that could be read on the MMM readers’ forum were Neville’s increasingly incoherent ramblings – and Bill Sharp and Colin MacLean trying in vain to obtain an answer to Bill’s questions and bring Neville back on topic.

Both even tried obtaining answers from Neville on his CIIP Discussion Board; but to no avail. Instead, Neville and his cohorts began asking questions of them!

To date, neither Bill, nor Colin, have succeeded in obtaining a single, direct answer.

Neville has swarmed all over the readers’ forum of each MMM post since the campaign began – in a largely successful attempt to obliterate anything said by his political opponents. He is employing exactly the same tactics as Bob Spink; Dave Blackwell; Anne Wood – and Watson himself used to disrupt this Blog’s readers’ forum during last year’s campaign.

But, this time, Watson’s lone attack has been suicidal. There is compelling evidence on the MMM Blog that Neville has broken many of his Electoral Commission (EC) obligations (not least to tell the truth). If Neville should be elected, there is more than enough evidence to declare his success void and force a by-election in his seat.

Neville has gone wild, without any concern for the consequences. But, the fact is: neither the CIIP, nor Neville, do anything without a reason.

It has become increasingly obvious that Watson has been chosen as the CIIP’s fall-guy for this election campaign. His mission? To avoid any questions that might put the CIIP in a bad light; to discredit CIIP opponents in any way possible (including members of the Press) and to further fabricate any reason for the electorate to distrust the Tories.

Blackwell has carefully engineered a position in which the only campaign on the internet is Watson’s. None of Watson’s lies or personal attacks can be attributed to Blackwell – or any other member of the Canvey Island Independence Party.

If the EC is brought in, Neville will suffer the consequences. But the CIIP will have benefitted from Watson’s numerous statements misleading the public into voting for the party at the polls. Watson will end-up in deep water; but all other CIIP candidates will be home and dry.

Watson’s devotion to the CIIP’s Fuhrer is absolute – as can be seen in the way he always introduces Blackwell’s statements. And it seems that Watson has been sold on the slim possibility of the EC actually barring him from standing in a subsequent by election for his old Winter Gardens seat.

And it is a political masterstroke – worthy of the odious Spink himself.

So what about the Echo? Well, it appears that Blackwell is in the process of opening the CIIP’s second front – in the local press – adding meat to having the local elections turned into a referendum on Canvey Island’s independence from Castle Point. In Max Orbach’s latest article, Blackwell is quoted as saying:-

‘The Government’s Localism Bill would give town councils greater powers.

‘These include neighbourhood development orders, which will allow them to grant planning permission for projects considered a community priority.

‘Town and parish councils are also set to have control of section 106 or planning gain money.’

It is not the first time that Blackwell has chosen to make such comments. But they have been carefully contrived for the party leader to say, when challenged: ‘Oh! Sorry! I could not have read that bit!’

Let us make no mistake. Canvey Island Independence Party Leader, Dave Blackwell, is completely misrepresenting the Government’s Localism Bill – due to be presented to Parliament in the autumn.

Dave Blackwell would have islander’s believe that Canvey’s Parish Council will somehow gain more powers over building on the island – and somehow receive all of the proposed ‘community infrastructure levy’ into the Parish Council’s coffers to be spent on island projects.

It seems that many islanders have been seduced into believing that his words are true – and that Canvey Island independence could actually become a reality.

But Dave Blackwell has a problem whenever it comes to telling islander’s the truth. And any independence from Castle Point is just a Blackwell myth: constitutionally, it is simply not possible - and all islanders need to come to terms with that fact.

So, what is the truth of Blackwell’s statement to Max Orbach (which the latter really should have verified before he went to press)?

WELL, YES: Under the Government’s Localism Bill, local communities will be able to propose a development, which, if it meets certain safeguards - and gets 50 per cent of residents’ support in a local referendum - will be able to be built without planning permission.

The new measure is aimed at tackling the lack of building in rural areas where planning authorities restrict building; but local people want new housing or other facilities. Also, big developments will require early consultation with local people to let them comment and collaborate on things like design - before plans are finalised.

Developers would have to consider opinions raised before submitting planning applications – and the bill also confirms the abolition of the Infrastructure Planning Commission. Instead, ministers will take decisions on big planning projects such as airports and wind farms.

BUT NO: There are no additional powers here for Parish Councils. The most that the Canvey Island Town Council will be able to do is: start a petition (admittedly, something that they are good at) to gain 50 per cent of island voters’ signatures to approve a community development. But, before it can even do that, it will need to apply to the Borough Council to become a recognised entity for launching such proposals.

In fact, any resident or business group can apply to become an authorised entity. (That is what ‘localism’ is all about).

Of course, the CIIP – which has always been opposed to further island development – has not explained why it has now changed its policy to apparently approve many more island homes. (The Tories have asked; but Neville has not replied).

Secondly, YES: under the Government’s Localism Bill, a ‘community infrastructure levy’ will be imposed upon developers – by the Local Planning Authority (which is Castle Point Borough Council). And part of that levy, which will be determined by CPBC, will be directed at the part of the local community in which the development takes place. But how much that is – and what it will be spent on – will be decided by Castle Point Borough Council. The island’s Parish Council will NOT receive any of those funds (and there is nothing that the ‘greedy Tories’ can get their hands on to spend on the mainland instead). The only thing that the Parish Council will be able to do, as now, is to advise CPBC on where, and on what, it thinks those funds should be spent.

For the CIIP, that will probably mean saying nothing – and then complaining later. (Like they did with Kismet Park’s Adizone facilities).

Readers: do not be deceived by Blackwell’s golden tongue. If you did not know by now, you really should be ashamed of yourself.

Dave Blackwell will do anything, say anything, and SPIN anything; to get himself and his party re-elected.

And for those of you whom are still persuaded by Blackwell’s lies: do yourself a favour. Go to page 287 (Schedule 9) of the Government’s Localism Bill, embedded here, and read it for yourself. (Look at the actual page number at the top of the document. The numbers in the Scribd frame indicate the number of viewing pages in the document – and may differ between different browsers).

Perhaps you might like to do that too, Dave... 2011161 - The Localism Bill

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