Saturday, 30 April 2011

CIIP Discussion Board Stands As A Unique Testament To The Quality Of All Its Members

Only you have the powerI BEGAN THIS BLOG two years ago, as a simple experiment to see if there was still a market for local news. Over the past several years the traditional local press had been forced to rationalise its reporting staff, and introduce other cost saving measures, as local advertisers withdrew their support in favour of much cheaper electronic advertising in conjunction with an internet presence.

I was interested to see if the staff cuts had compromised the ability of local papers to keep on top of what was happening in their area – or whether they might have inadvertently provided an opening for freelancers, like myself, to capitalise upon.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Will Local Resident, Upset, Be The Next To Be Banned From The CIIP’s Discussion Board?

Upset rides into battleTHERE IS GOOD EVIDENCE to suggest that the real reason Bill Sharp was permanently banned from the Canvey Island Independent Party’s discussion board had nothing whatsoever to do with Neville Watson’s public announcement that his party was being denied its ‘right to reply’ on the Conservative’s Methane, Mud & Memories Blog.

In fact, the idea that Neville - or any other members of his party - have had their posts removed for anything other than posting hopelessly off-topic; trying to create a totally irrelevant thread; or attempting to libel others is strenuously denied by that Blog’s Webmaster, Colin MacLean (whose empty panels in his Blog’s readers’ forum provide testament to his laisez faire moderation).

Monday, 25 April 2011

Neville Watson: ‘I do not hold rank in the Independent Party therefore I was not representing the party's views’

Red-faced NevilleRESIDENTS WILL BE ASTONISHED TO READ Neville Watson’s latest statement on the CIIP’s Discussion Board in which he refers to his acceptance of Bill Sharp’s apology, made upon his party’s behalf, regarding an ill chosen phrase on a Tory election leaflet.

Watson’s statement appears to have been written at the same time as he deleted the comment he made - so that the public can no longer see what he actually said!

The previous speculation, in this Blog’s last article (regarding the CIIP’s use of Watson as a fall-guy for this year’s election campaign) has now been given further weight as residents are now being asked to believe that nothing Neville has said on his party’s sites, or the MMM Blog, has Canvey Island Independent Party approval.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Echo Provides More Space To Promoting Blackwell’s Election Campaign Deceit

Not what it really saysTHE PAST THREE WEEKS have not been a good time for local Democracy. It was hoped that this Blog could remain detached as the political parties entered into a public debate, on their own Websites, discussing issues and putting forward their own individual proposals to solve them.

It was hoped that existing Town Councillors would make themselves available to answer questions put by the public. And it was hoped that residents would only have to visit the respective party’s Website to find statements and contact details for candidates standing in their own ward.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

CIIP Discussion Board Unreliable Source Of Public Information

Changing the recordIT HAS NOW EMERGED that the Canvey Island Independent Party’s discussion board permits its users to edit their previous posts – and does not provide a system timestamp indicating when those last alterations were made. As a consequence, none of the CIIP’s Board Posts can be considered as reliable or ‘On The Record.’

Earlier today I posted, in this Blog’s STOP PRESS column, reports of how a reply to Bill Sharp’s comments had suddenly changed - from the original version I had seen - when I checked the hyperlink I had posted. Then, later this afternoon, after Bill had replied to the user’s post – it changed again.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Spend, Spend, Spend Say Town Councillors. It Is All About Us, Us, Us

BanditsWELL, YOU DID HEAR IT HERE FIRST. The story of how a group of narcissistic individuals conned island residents into believing that they would represent their wishes and establish a Parish Council in which all islanders could be proud.

You heard how that band’s leader, Dave Blackwell, mischievously named his group of bandits as the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) and how, once they were installed in the newly formed Parish Council, immediately applied for it to be known as a ‘Town’ council to improve its local kudos. You learned that his next move was to commission, for himself, expensive chains of office and, at the same time, reprieve the old Canvey Urban District Council Coat of Arms from 1974.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Canvey Island Election Coverage

Ballot BoxREADERS will have noted that this Blog’s last article was written over a week ago and that there have been no further posts since. Instead, the Canvey Beat is (somewhat irreverently) highlighting this local election’s main issues and fast moving debate using an extended header; its side-column; STOP PRESS and integrated Newsflash feature.

The cyber battle for your vote is not being conducted here; but on the Conservative Methane, Mud & Memories Blog and the Canvey Island Independent Party’s Discussion Board (which Canvey Beat readers suggest is being heavily moderated).

The local Labour Party have yet to enter the debate; but its Twitter feed is being carried in this Blog’s STOP PRESS panel.

Unless anything major breaks, normal posts will resume after the local elections to bring you the full results…

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

When It Comes To Misrepresentation And Downright Lies – Watson Cannot Hold A Candle To Blackwell

Blackwell speechTO BE FRANK, this particular journalist is bored with having to highlight all the same old lies and misrepresentations being made by the Canvey Island Independent Party in this local election campaign. It is consuming my time, when I could be doing more interesting things, and, at the end of the day, I am just reporting what all Canvey Beat readers already know: the party, which speaks with a single voice (and does not answer questions), is composed of a motley crew of bandits and liars.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Liz Swann Comes Out And Letchford Is Denied CIIP Colours To Stand On The Mainland

And they are offCANVEY BEAT READERS will be interested to learn that the two most vociferous critics of articles posted on this Blog, whom were keen to argue that they had absolutely no political affiliation, have now declared themselves as Canvey Island Independent Party members.

Liz Swann, of the Canvey beachside Concord Pool cafe, who together with Bob Spink and CIIP councillors successfully campaigned for the pool to be transferred to Canvey Island Town Council (thus preserving her sister’s business at islander expense) will be standing for the TC in the island’s South Ward, this year, to keep an eye upon her family’s investment.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

A Continuous Stream Of Lies And Political Propaganda Spew Forth From CIIP Lips

Neville WatsonNEVILLE WATSON has proved himself to be the master of the far-left’s first commandment: ‘If you cannot answer without incriminating yourself, then simply change the question!’ With such prowess it is easy to see why no other CIIP councillors have tried to enter the current political debate and, instead, left their electoral fates in the hands of their Public Relations person.

After attempting to alter the public record by appending a late comment to Blog posts that had criticised his party, Neville again waited, for four days - until his latest remarks had descended into visual obscurity - before posting further ‘closing’ comments, which he hoped would receive no attention.

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