Saturday, 21 August 2010

Adding Another Dimension

READERS of my personal Blog will know that, in order to earn some money, I freelance as a photojournalist. Last year I finally went digital and, for the last 12 months, I’ve been playing around with the medium; but now that I am comfortable with my new kit, I thought it about time I started using it to enhance the Canvey Beat’s coverage.

This, like the Canvey Beat itself, is a bit of an experiment; but, in order to provide readers with copies of the shots I take, I have handed the task of actually printing and despatching all images to PhotoBox.

There is only one photo that you can obtain at the moment, which has been covered on my personal Blog. It is actually a cheat that pushes the digital photographic medium (and PhotoBox) to its limits.

I used to do things like this in my old darkroom; but pushing a 35mm negative to A2, while ‘hiding the joins,’ would have been impossible.

If you click on the inset image you can see the photo at its original size in your browser - and you are free to ‘pinch’ this particular version if you like.

As a conversation piece it works brilliantly - but I would spin it like that, wouldn’t I?..

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I see the faults in the picture- the bird is too dark, and the rainbow is rather unnatural.

    It might help you to have a look at the wildlife photographs that Dave Blackwell has put on his website. They’re brilliant- superb composition, crystal sharp focus, and vibrant colour. I’m sure you could pick up some useful ideas.

    Tom Jea


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