Thursday, 31 March 2011

Neville Hops From Site To Site In An Effort To Change The Record

Neville WatsonNEVILLE WATSON was on true hyperbolic form this week as he presented his Canvey Island Independent Party’s first personal attack on those threatening its Town Council seats this year. In a consistent assault designed to draw attention away from the fact that the CIIP has no policies and that its financial management of Canvey Island Town Council has made it virtually bankrupt and forced it to redirect promised Armed Service Charity funds into its own bank account, the CIIP decided to launch its campaign in gutter mode – rather than wait until the last few days of the election.

Bill SharpThe catalyst for serving-up the CIIP’s venom seems to have been Bill Sharp’s political flyer aimed at Canvey Island Central Ward voters, whom are currently represented by Dave Blackwell and John Anderson at both Borough and Town Council levels. In focussing on the fact that 70 pence in every pound is wasted by CITC on its officers and administration costs (leaving just £75,000 per year of islander contributions to be directed at the never-ending restoration of Central Ward’s Canvey Lake – conservatively estimated to require in excess of £180,000 over the next five years to complete) Bill has scored a direct hit upon the island’s professional political activists.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Battle For The Truth: Time To Make Your Own Minds Up And Put Your Questions Directly

Party battleDESPITE ALL APPARANT EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY, the ‘Canvey for Canvey’ sound bite, engineered by the Canvey Island Independent Party as a means of contesting local elections to obscure its lack of policies, still seems to strike a chord with uninformed local residents looking for somewhere to place their cross. Moreover, the CIIP has been extremely successful in establishing the urban myth that it and its Canvey Island Town Council are responsible for protecting the island’s greenbelt from mainland Tory aggressors – even though the party is unable to muster any form of majority challenge to any Castle Point Borough Council vote.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Ninety-Two Per Cent Of Canvey Beat Readers Think The Town Council Should Be Disbanded

Reader spending preferences - CITCTHE LATEST STRAW-POLL, conducted by this Blog over the course of Sunday and Monday, reveals that the vast majority of its readers are dissatisfied with Canvey Island Town Council and actively support its dissolution.

The poll was conducted after a number of readers wrote in to express their concerns over Cameron’s Big Society and querying the relevance of another administrative layer, paid for by residents, to distribute funds to local charities when islanders were perfectly able to support such organisations themselves.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Is Canvey Ready For Cameron’s Big Society?

CIIP Nodding DogsCANVEY RESIDENTS, listening to the likes of the Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP), would be forgiven for thinking that the Big Society has nothing to offer. That party’s Public Relations person, Neville Watson, recently stated that: ‘[The Big Society] is based on volunteers… that ring Councillors to inform them of any problems they have.’ But Neville’s unique perspective on the Coalition Government’s Localism Bill (widely predicted to come into force this autumn) completely misrepresents its intentions.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Are You Thinking Of Standing In Canvey Island’s Town Council Elections This Year?..

Polling StationWITH JUST TWO MONTHS TO GO to Canvey Island’s Town Council elections, now is the time for local candidates to be preparing their individual campaigns. Candidates need to consider what they stand for, and, most importantly, obtain a good idea of their likely support.

If you are thinking of standing in this year’s Town Council elections, the Canvey Beat is keen to hear from you; publish your details; and present your manifesto to the 1,100+ unique visitors that this Blog welcomes every month.

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