Tuesday 7 December 2010

Now That Is A Majority Decision!

Live Blog CoverageWITH JUST OVER A FORTNIGHT to go before Christmas, now is not the best time for readers to be asked their opinions on how they would like to see the Canvey Beat’s Live Blog facilities used.

Most have far more important things to do as they settle down to writing Christmas Cards and preparing for the festive season, so my sincere thanks goes to those who took time-out to participate in the two 48-hour straw polls in the new STOP PRESS panel. (Readers may also have noted that, to encourage its use, I am also publishing a funny video in that column each day – at different times – to help lighten the mood).

Live Blog TimesThose participating in the polls seem intent in wresting the Canvey Beat’s stage from the local politicians, and taking control themselves. Not a single vote was cast for more coverage of local politicians or suggesting local celebrities might be interviewed. Readers, it appears, are overwhelmingly interested in what other readers have to say – no matter what the topic.

Cynical Observer, in posting to the STOP PRESS column, suggested that the Canvey Beat might use the new feature to host a regular ‘Speaker’s Corner,’ and it appears all of you agree.

So that is what we will do.

In the New Year, I will be inviting all readers to lead an online debate (either on their own or with others) on any issue that they feel strongly about. And I will shortly be posting another page, entitled ‘Speakers’ Corner,’ that will provide further information on the subject.

So, in the meantime, get your thinking caps on – and, if you know someone who would like to take part, please ask them to contact me

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