Thursday 9 December 2010

And Now: FREE Local Advertising Via Twitter

HomepageSINCE INTRODUCING this Blog’s live STOP PRESS panel, the number of readers whom have set the Canvey Beat as their homepage has increased from just under 25 per cent to 43 per cent (as of yesterday).

Local residents are discovering that the Canvey Beat is the only place on the Web that now brings together all the local and national news as it breaks – as well as providing local weather information and immediate announcements from Essex and Castle Point Council Twitter feeds. Moreover, local business information is also made immediately available via tweets from the Federation of Small Businesses.

All the news relating to Canvey Island and Castle Point is now immediately accessible from this site – and by just accepting the live connection, by clicking on the ‘Click for live updates’ button in the STOP PRESS panel, there is no longer any need to keep refreshing the Canvey Beat’s homepage to discover if the site has been updated. The STOP PRESS panel will automatically notify you as new articles are posted.

Residents and local businesses are encouraged to incorporate the #canveyisland and/or #castlepoint hash tags in any tweets aimed at residents. The STOP PRESS feature automatically plucks those tweets from Twitter’s feed and immediately displays them to readers.

Local businesses can now announce special offers; advertise for staff; and provide their own press releases directly to Canvey Beat readers - simply by tweeting the relevant details and including one or both of those tags. Similarly, local community groups; churches; and other organisations can also use the method to announce meetings and link to pages on their own Websites without having to produce additional copy for publishing or incurring any expense.

When you have an announcement to make: don’t forget those hash tags to ensure it gets Twittered here…

  • #canveyisland
  • #castlepoint

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