Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Coronavirus and COVID-19 - STOP PANICKING and LISTEN UP. Here is what you need to know...

THE PANIC BUYING that we all witnessed over the week-end is NOT NECESSARY. There is no shortage of toilet paper, baked beans (had to laugh over that one) or pretty much everything else that we all buy on a weekly basis. It was panic buying, induced by the BBC and government press that resulted in all those artificial shortages we saw on our supermarket shelves.

Calm down. Remain sceptical. Don't believe anything you hear without convincing evidence - and treat everything you read in the Main Stream Press and transmitted on TV (especially the BBC) as primarily fiction with a pinch of truth - designed to prevent you from doing your own research and rendering you and your families helpless to authoritarian government authorities.

It is the global supply chain that has been affected. (I went to PC World in Southend, on Sunday, to grab another laptop - and had to drive all the way to their Chatham branch, in Kent, to pick it up yesterday. (Made in China, get it?). It is the same problem with clothing produced by cheap Chinese labour - but the good news is that the demand for those goods will be picked up by our own manufacturers. There will be a similar problem with 'fresh' produce that took weeks to arrive from foreign greenhouses. It's just a temporary inconvenience. We'll adjust.

Yes, these are dangerous times, and they are peaking; but we have all faced similar problems before and have always overcome them by remaining calm, objective, and focused on the TRUTH to discover alternatives whilst revealing our enemies at the same time.

There is an information war being conducted on the surface internet that you all use and, if you are new to it, it is virtually impossible to locate the truth tellers anymore because their social media accounts have either been removed or disappeared from the platform's search engines by government censorship. That war of bots, fake news, and disinformation is EXACTLY THE SAME TYPE OF SMOKE SCREEN that I previously spent my time revealing, on this blog and its predecessor, which is used by the local political parties to gain your vote. It is the same game of sock-puppets in which an individual creates half a dozen different accounts, using different names and profiles, to deliver a narrative that APPEARS to be confirmed by other real individuals (and must therefore be true).

Don't fall for it. Focus on what is being said - not on how many others are saying it.

The first thing you need to know is that there are two new strains of coronavirus - one that appears to have been genetically engineered and another that might be a mutation of natural tuberculosis that we have imported as a result of open borders and illegal immigration. The second thing you need to understand is that the terms 'cold' and 'flu' are just general terms we use to describe a mild, or more serious coronavirus infection (of which there are many and which our immune systems are battling constantly). Moreover, many of us will be 'infected' by MORE than one coronavirus at any one time.

I will deal with the evidence for a natural mutation by directing you to Bill Sardi's fully sourced article of March 12th here.

For convincing evidence of the genetically engineered strain, watch this video from March 15th.

Here is another video, from UK Column, broadcast yesterday, to whose channel you should subscribe and pay regular attention.


What we have here is a perfect storm created by the European Union and its partner, the Military Industrial Complex in the United States (that our American cousins refer to as the 'Deep State').

First, we have the EU opening its borders to accept all the displaced refugees created by the pair's regime change policy conducted upon the Middle East (and the subsequent flu vaccine that they then heavily promoted in an effort to counter the effects of refusing to screen the health of those individuals).

Secondly, we have the same pair's continuing research into bio-weapons that might be used to complement their shared globalist agendas.

Neither those flu vaccines, nor those laboratory viruses, have ever been rigorously tested.

What we seem to be witnessing now is a desperate attempt by EU and US Deep State politicians to cover up their blatant disregard for the health and well being of the citizens they claim to serve, and trying to ensure the public does not see them as the incompetent lunatics they really are.

We are being told to 'distance ourselves' because they fear the two new strains may unite to produce the hypothetical 'Virus X' that will destroy humanity - and all the draconian measures being taken across the world are born from that fear. (They are not in the least worried about us - they are worried about contracting that Virus X themselves and being held properly responsible).

In reality, both new viral strains will be unable to reproduce as the climate gets warmer (and one of the most effective methods of defeating coronavirus, that thrives in the cold, is to ramp-up your central heating to sweat it out of your system). Hot water, whiskey, honey; thick blankets, warm bedroom.

The best, and probably the most luxurious way of preparing for bed, under the present circumstances, is with a comforting hot-toddy. It'll also help calm your fears...

It's been a long time since I posted anything here, so long that I actually forgot my password and the account I needed to access it (which was fun); but re-opening this blog to carry the latest local news and relevant information in the wake of current events is not well suited to the present situation.

For the latest information and breaking news, I am therefore asking readers to open a new browser tab and paste or type-in this destination: https://t.me/s/canveybeat - a Telegram portal through which The Canvey Beat channel can be accessed.

There we will be posting regular updates on the medical situation, and relevant local news provided by residents.

If you have local news to share, please Telegram me @TedPugh.

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